• Online. Provides fast and hassle free experience ordering goods trough our webpage. Study products prices and features, choose the products you need, add them to the cart, get delivery quotation, place an order and pay for for products by credit card or Paypal.
  • By email. Please send an inquiry or order to: order@ojopsweden.se and we will answer as soon as we can, but not later than within 2 working days.*
  • By phone. Contact our professional and friendly sales department team by phone: +46 16 14 73 50 to make sure you get the products you need.

Our sales managers are here to consult and help to choose right products, so these are convenient ways to order goods from Ojop Sweden. We have largest over centre toggle latch assortment on the market with more than 300 products listed on our website. The modular design gives us the flexibility to offer unique solutions for countless applications.

Requests and Orders processing

  • Requests or orders sent Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm Friday from 8 am to 2 pm will be answered as soon as possible but not later than within 2 working days.*
  • Emails received during non working hours, during weekends or national holidays will be answered within first 2 working days.*
  • Most standard products are kept in stock and dispatched within 2 working days after order confirmed and payment received.

Payment conditions

  • Non-business customers are asked to pay in advance before order dispatch.
  • Business customers have special payment arrangements. For new business customers after first three fulfilled purchase orders within 12 months period payment terms from in advance are usually changed to 30 days net.

Overdue payments handling

Invoices have to be paid as per payment conditions stated on the invoice. Common payment terms for our business customers are 30 days net. In case of 30 days net or 60 days net payment term money has to arrive to our account within 30 or 60 days from the date written on the invoice. If customer fail to meet payment conditions on time we send up to 3 payment reminders every week. If customer fail to pay any of our invoices within 12 months period second time so that 3rd. reminder needs to be send (payment delayed by 21 days or more) payment terms are changed to in advance for minimum period of 12 months.

We are also constantly monitoring payment history for our business customers accounts and if we note a consistent pattern of late payments we reserve the right to withdraw the credit terms without further warnings and will offer 100% in advance payment terms for all future orders without possibility for changes within 12 months period. Our pricing does not include margins to cover additional expenses of payment beyond our regular terms so we kindly ask customers to pay our invoices on time.

Customers who fail to pay an invoice for 30 days or longer period account will be suspended, all placed orders, call-off orders or customer specific prices cancelled, current credit terms withdrawn and changed to in advance. No new purchase orders will be accepted/confirmed until due invoice(s) are fully paid.

Method of payment

Customers for webshop orders can pay by PayPal or using Debit or Credit Cards – secure service provided by Stripe.

Orders received by email or phone can be paid by Bank transfer only and accepted currencies are Swedish Krona (SEK), Euro (EUR), US dollar (USD).

*Excludes requests for special items which orders processing and dispatch might take longer. More information regarding orders processing you can find here.